Annegrete & Gustav Fey

God gave us important specifications in the Biblecode and promised us that we would be successsful. Alitudes: 3520 - 3526 m / Latitude: 39,44
Longitude: 44,15
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Noah’s Ark, Outer wall
Outer wall, Detail
Gustav Fey
Noah’s Ark inside, all the former wood is petrified.
Noah’s Ark Side View. (View 2005)
Noah’s Ark Plan View. 39.740293,44.261245
Gustav & Annegrete Fey, bivouac.
That God in 2011 released Noah's Ark after 4115 years, is no coincidence.
It is another great sign before the return of Jesus.
When Jesus comes again, God only knows. There is still time of grace. Only he who believes that Jesus was died for our sins on the cross and was raised by God on the 3rd day, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, gained eternal life.
Jesus says:
John 14.6 ... no one comes to the Father but by me.
Jesus is our rescue ark. Are we ready when Jesus comes today, or are we lost forever?
Warning to be watchful! Matthew 24. mp3
Sitemap Bible Mount Horeb found 2017